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Book now for 2025
Pre School Incursions
Jack and Alex’s Silly-Yak Adventure is an interactive performance for children aged 3-8 which includes original songs, dance, the reading of the SILLY-YAK book, creative activities and child lead chats about being ourselves and inclusion!
45 min Incursion Interactive Show
Book Signing + Craft!

"This sweet fringe show is about so much more than the coeliac condition. It had my kids singing about believing in themselves, healthy eating and having a dance. There was singing, dancing, craft, and stickers. My kids were in creative heaven." - Silly-Yak Mum
"Through her Jack the Silly-Yak project, Alexandra has produced a beautiful and thoughtful children’s book that many of my patients with newly diagnosed coeliac disease find entertaining and comforting as they adapt to their new chronic health condition" - Paediatrics Gastroenterologist
"Thank you for inspiring my daughter to embrace her disease and promote awareness" - Parent of a Silly-Yak with Coeliac Disease
The benefits: Sharing this new work is an interactive, educational, fun and memorable experience which serves to also engage child care communities from educators to other children to support kids and their families living with Coeliac Disease and those eating gluten free.
Provides everyone the opportunity to come together to join in on the fun and remain engaged long after the performance is ended. This is achieved through giving the participating children craft products to take home and providing access to online resources.
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